Max Blitz | Standard Blitz | Cover 3 Blitz
Max Blitz
Base Align (if not already set in Coaching Adjustments)
Drag safeties down
Identify the unguarded offensive player who you will cover with your user
“Lock” your user and prepare to cover the unguarded player
(Optional) Pass commit
(Optional) Shade coverage up/left/right based on your opponent’s tendencies
Base Align (if not already set in Coaching Adjustments)
Drag safeties down
Man up the non-user Linebacker onto the unguarded offensive player
User over the middle
(Optional) Pass commit
Shade coverage up/left/right based on your opponent’s tendencies (typically shade outside)
Cover 3 Blitz
Base Align (if not already set in Coaching Adjustments)
Drag safeties down
Put both outside CBs in outside thirds
Put left side safety in a middle third
Put right side safety in hook curl or flat zone
Put left side linebacker in hook curl or flat zone