angle smash
Gun Doubles Offset
Man Beater | Zone Beater
Man Beater
Setup 1
Put the solo WR on a streak
Put the outside WR on a smoke screen
Read the TE out route, then the RB Texas route, then the slot WR corner route
Setup 2
Motion over solo WR and put on a flat
Put the outside WR on a smoke screen
Put the TE on a crosser
Put the RB on a wheel route
Setup 3
Put the solo WR on a streak
Put the outside WR on a streak
Put the RB on a wheel
Read the RB wheel, then the TE drag, then the slot WR corner route
Video Breakdown
Zone Beater
Setup 1
Motion over the solo WR and put him on a flat route
Put the outside WR on a streak
Put the TE on a flat
Setup 2
Motion over the solo WR and put him on a streak
Put the outside WR on an in route
Put the TE on a flat
Put the RB on a wheel
Video Breakdown