Man Beater | Zone Beater | Cover 2 Bomb
Man Beater
Put the middle WR on a zig
Put the RB on a swing route or out route
Put the inside WR on a slant
Motion over the inside WR and snap the ball as soon as he gets even with the TE
Read the corner route followed by the motion slant
Zone Beater & Cover 2 Bomb
Setup 1
Put the middle WR on a flat route
Put the inside WR on a streak
Put the TE on a streak
Put the RB on an out route
Read the inside streaks, then the outside streak, then the flats
Setup 2
Put the middle WR on a flat route
Put the RB on a wheel route
Motion the RB over to the other side of the QB
Read the crosser, then the wheel, then the streak, then the flat, then the corner route