Adjustments are EXTREMELY important for any defensive scheme. Here I want to quickly go over the two types of adjustments we make - zone drops and quick adjustments. While I’m sure a decent number of people are familiar with zone drops, please make sure you’re comfortable with quick adjustments (making all adjustments without clicking off your user) before trying to run either style of this scheme.

Zone Drops

Zone Drops are extremely important to understand if you want to make effective defensive adjustments. Zone drop depths override the logic for all zones of that type, so even if you see “Hard Flat” on the field, if the zone drop for Flats is set to 25, he will drop to 25 yards depth. It’s also important to remember that while we mostly don’t use match defense in this scheme, having a zone drop set will turn off matching principles.

Quick Adjustments

Quick adjustments is something you MUST master if you want to run this schemes effectively (especially the blitz heavy scheme) because we don’t want to ever click off of our user. If you’re not used to quick adjustments, spend some time in practice mode working on them every day until they become second nature.

  • Double tap left on the D-pad to bring up DE/DT icons

  • Double tap right on the D-pad to bring up MLB/OLB icons

  • Double tap Y or Triangle to bring up CB/SS/FS icons


On Field Setup


Base Defense