Coaching Adjustments
Alignment - Base
Auto Flip - Off
Zone Coverage: Default
Pinch Defense
Blitz all LBs
Show blitz to move safeties down
User with a LB
After the snap, DON’T TOUCH ANYTHING to let your user run in for a second, and then user over the middle
Coaching Adjustments
Alignment - Base
Auto Flip - Off
Zone Coverage: Default
Pinch Defense
Blitz all LBs
Show blitz to move safeties down
Move the slot CB inside
User with the slot CB over the middle
Coaching Adjustments
Alignment - Default
Auto Flip - On
Pinch Defense
(Optional) Shade coverage outside
User safety manned up on RB and drag him down into the box
If the RB goes out on a route, go with him
If the RB stays in, user over the middle
Version 1
Coaching Adjustments
Alignment - Base
Auto Flip - Off
Pinch Defense
Slant D-line outside
User over the deep middle
Version 2
Coaching Adjustments
Alignment - Base
Auto Flip - Off
Pinch Defense
Slant D-line outside
Put the outside CBs in outside thirds
Put the right safety in a middle third
Put the left LB in a curl flat
User over the middle
Coaching Adjustments
Alignment - Base
Auto Flip - Off
Zone Coverage - Default
Pinch Defense
Blitz all LBs
Blitz slot CB
(Optional) Move safeties down
User with a safety