Corner N Go’s
Man Beater
The route combo might look unusual, but this is one of my favorite plays in the entire Ebook. Both of the TE zig routes are excellent man-beating routes, and the short-side TE zig route (the deeper one) seems to always find open space. These routes are where the Short In Elite ability on your TE’s will be the most noticeable, especially against man coverage. The slant route will draw your opponent’s user almost every time, meaning you only have to read the two zig routes. If your opponent ignores the slant route with their user, it will almost always get open against both man and zone coverage since slants are man-beating routes and our route combo on the wide side of the field will stretch any zones apart.
On a hash with the running back lined up on the short side of the field
Put the wide side WR on a streak
Put the short side WR on a slant
Corner N Go’s - Gameplay Breakdown