Gun Bunch TE became extremely popular because of the play PA Boot Over, which is one of the most explosive plays in Madden 22. Most Gun Bunch TE schemes are relatively simple, and once you take those few setups away, most players will move on to a different formation.
The three most popular setups out of Gun Bunch TE are PA Boot Over (stock), PA Boot Over (everything bomb), and Curl Flat Corner (or an equivalent play with a corner route).
Table of Contents
Blitz Heavy Setup (Coming Soon)
Max Coverage Setup
Tampa 2
Coaching Adjustments (to start the game)
Auto Flip: On
Option Defense: Conservative
Everything else: Default
Coaching Adjustments (if you need to adjust)
Auto Flip: On
Option Defense: Conservative
Zone Drops - Flats: 25
Zone Drops - Curl Flats: 5
Zone Drops - Hooks: Default
Everything else: Default
Pinch the defense
Put the MLB on an inside third
Shade Down
QB contain
Pass commit
User the safety on the side opposite of the bunch
Situational Adjustments
Put the DE subbed in at DT on a QB spy
Slant the d-line inside
Cover any posts/crossers coming to your side
For the PA Boot Over “Everything Bomb”, guard the post and then be prepared to come back down if your opponent tries to throw the RB wheel route late (after it clears your 25 yard flat)