3 & 4

(Instant Hurdle & Jurdle)

Table of Contents

  1. Instant Hurdle Up the Middle

  2. Instant Jurdle to the Right

Instant Hurdle Up The Middle

This move is incredible for when you need to pick up 1 yard because it’s almost impossible to get stopped for a negative gain. However, keep in mind that this move is less consistent if your opponent is in goal line defense or has a high concentration of defenders directly across from the QB.

NOTE: You MUST have the Fastbreak ability on your QB to perform this move.


  • Before the snap, hold the left stick straight forward. Immediately after you snap the ball, start pressing the hurdle button (Y on Xbox, Triangle on Playstation) repeatedly as fast as you can

  • (Optional) Pre-snap, double team any defensive linemen with the Inside Stuff ability using the blocking controls (press Lb or L1 to pull up the blocking controls menu)

  • (Optional) Pre-snap, ID the user as the Mike using the blocking controls

Power Option - Instant Hurdle Up the Middle - Breakdown

Power Option - Instant Hurdle Up the Middle - Gameplay

Instant Jurdle to the Right

This move takes time to master, but once you get it down it’s one of the most fun skill moves in the game. Make sure you read the defense pre-snap, and only use this move when you have a numbers advantage.

NOTE: You MUST have the Fastbreak ability on your QB to perform this move.


  • Read the Defense Pre-Snap

    • If there is no CB lined up outside on the side opposite the direction of the option, then use this move to instantly jurdle to the open space.

    • If there is a CB lined up outside on the side opposite the direction of the option, then motion over the outside WR. If no defender crosses the formation with the WR, then perform the instant jurdle move with your WR now serving as the lead blocker. If a defender does cross the formation with the WR, then run the “Standard” Power Option

  • To perform the instant jurdle to the right, hold the left stick down and to the right before the snap. After the snap, press the sprint button and hurdle button while still holding the left stick down and to the right.

    NOTE: If you just hold the left stick straight to the right, you might jurdle into your TE, so make sure you’re holding it down and to the right

Power Option - Instant Jurdle to the Right - Breakdown

Power Option - Instant Jurdle to the Right - Gameplay


Power Option 1 & 2


Power Option 5